Augmented Enterprise Summit Exhibitor
Rivers Agile
Rivers Agile offers a software platform that allows clients to A/B test user experiences. The platform allows companies to test how users interact with their experiences and products without investing in creating the physical experiences and products.

Use cases we are focusing on include:
--Create a VR prototype of a physical product and test it
--Simulate an in-store customer experience and get feedback
--Level-up user workshops with VR instead of webcam and screen-share
--Measure user behavior and interactions through the VR instrumentation

Rivers Agile has always been hyper-focused and nimble, using modern trends and best practices to drive our engineering. Our secret sauce is our ability to apply world-class technical knowledge to solve unique challenges with compelling software innovation.

It’s a recipe we’ve proven over 15 years as the nature of our work forces efficiencies that organizations value.


Rivers Agile YouTube