3D Media
3D Media is a technology development firm that specializes in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality solutions for enterprises. Our tools utilize cutting-edge digital visualization, object recognition, analytic capture, and reporting to meet the challenges that our clients face. 3D Media utilizes proprietary processes to design, create and deliver tailored, innovative technological solutions to our clients.
3D Media Demo
Virtual reality and augmented reality demos.
VR firm 3D Media to hire developers, modelers and more in Orlando
A virtual reality training firm's expansion to Orlando will create 25 high-wage jobs, but that may be just the start of 3D Media VR LLC's growth in the region.
STRIKEWERX selects 25 vendors to provide futuristic training solutions for AFGSC
STRIKEWERX is uncovering the latest technology that will provide ultramodern training for Air Force Global Strike Command.