Xvisio Technology Corporation
Xvisio Technology is at the forefront of transforming immersive experiences for life and work, focusing on developing vSLAM based spatial perception and AR spatial interaction technologies. Over the past few years, it has developed dozens of core intellectual properties in the areas of VSLAM algorithm, low latency hardware implementation, ASIC, AR hardware design, software SDK, AR system calibration and photon-to-motion pipeline optimization. With spatial object overlay technology, seamless cloud integration and many other advanced capabilities, its AR solution platform transforms immersive AR experiences and builds the gateway to Metaverse.

Xvisio Technology offers four main product series.

SeerLens One: a feature-rich, cost effective and lightweight 6DOF AR glasses built for enterprises. Its use cases include education and training, SOP guidance, AR surgery navigation, AR vision correction, etc.

SeerController: a 6DOF hand controller that can be paired with any AR/VR HMD and other 3D devices to enhance immersive user experiences.

SeerPad: an independent computing and communication unit for SeerLens. It’s also a turn-key platform for rapid enterprise AR application development.

SeerSense: an AIOT 6DOF tracker with integrated depth sensing, RGB streaming and AI inferencing. It’s used to power AR/VR HMDs and robotics applications.

Please come to visit us at the booth #910 on the AES expo floor.


Xvisio SeerLens One AR glasses Product Video

SeerLens One is a cross-platform AR smart glasses, well calibrated with on-board 6DOF vSLAM engine and free form prism optics.