Stephen Paul
Visualization Sr Manager

Stephen Paul is Director of the AECOM DCS Americas Visualization Studio. He holds an MFA in Interactive Media Design from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining AECOM he was Media Arts and Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Graphics faculty for the Art Institutes International Minnesota and concurrently with the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He has been a designer, animator, filmmaker, producer, director and manager for more than 30 years, studying and practicing methodologies in digital immersive experiences for more than 20 years. Since joining AECOM in 2014 as the Director of the Visualization Lab, he has more than doubled the production value of the group, broadening and deepening the scope of work conducted by the team.

One of his main missions in leading the team has been to expand the capabilities of visualization within AECOM to develop more engaging, interactive and immersive visual communication tools that effectively connect with our stakeholders.