Ensure a productive event experience by downloading the free conference app.
The Augmented Enterprise event app powered by Whova is a secure platform that doubles as a mobile app and virtual event platform. All event participants – both in-person and remote – will have access to the same features via mobile or desktop, allowing you to connect before, during, and after the conference. Create a personal agenda, message other attendees, browse exhibitor profiles, create/join meetups, and more.
Tuning in from home? Watch every session either live or on-demand, create a Community post, browse attendees and speakers, send messages, participate in polls, and arrange virtual demos with exhibitors.
Joining us in person? Use the interactive map to navigate the expo, take notes, arrange meetups, share photos from the event, and make connections around the world as well as across the room.
All session recordings will be made available in the event app during the show, as will those presentations slides we are permitted to share shortly following the conference.
All attendees will receive an email with instructions for downloading and using the app when it goes live, typically a week or two before the event.
*Note for Sponsors & Exhibitors: The conference app is not a lead capture tool. Lead capture and retrieval must be done though our official partner Global Registration Solutions. Learn more in the Sponsor/Exhibitor Portal.