Welcome to the Augmented Enterprise Presenter Portal, where you will find important information and resources related to your speaking role at the event.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Alex D’Orlando.
Registration Information
Complimentary Speaker Registration: Registration for speakers is complementary, giving you access to all sessions, networking functions, the exhibit hall, and meals each day of the conference. Once confirmed as a speaker, BrainXchange automatically registers you for the event. No additional action is necessary.
Complimentary Colleague Registration: As a speaker, you are entitled to bring colleagues who are also working with XR and related technologies to the event. Please contact Alex D’Orlando for guest passes.
Discounted Referral Passes: All speakers are entitled to distribute a 15% ticket discount code to peers or partners who may be interested in attending the event. Please contact Alex D’Orlando for your unique speaker discount code.
*The registration information above does not apply to sponsor speakers
Presentation Tips
- Keep in mind that attendees are looking for tangible takeaways they can implement when they return to the office. People attend Augmented Enterprise to learn about the opportunities/applications and challenges of XR and related technologies in the workplace.
- Focus on the How, not the Why: Don’t spend your time talking about why your session topic is important but rather how you did what you did as an end user. Ex. How did you get the funding, find a partner, develop content for the application, work with IT and other departments, overcome specific challenges, train employees on the tech, etc.
- Remember that Augmented Enterprise caters to a wide range of industries and business areas. Make sure your presentation includes enough background material and helpful information to be understood/valuable to professionals even outside your specialty/sector.
- Click here for more tips
We recommend business casual. Parts of the event are being recorded so we suggest wearing bright colors to stand out against the backdrop. If you are planning on wearing a dress or skirt, we recommend wearing tights since speakers will be on a raised stage and wearing a belt for the mic pack.
Material Checklist & Deadlines
Preliminary Title & Description
(Solo Presenters Only)
Monday, July 21, 2025
Biography, Photo, Company Name, Job Title
(All Presenters)
For inclusion on website
Biography, Photo, Company Name, Job Title
(For inclusion in on-site materials)
Monday, August 25, 2025
For inclusion in on-siter materials & app
FINAL Title & Description
(Solo Presenters Only)
Monday, August 25, 2025
Hotel Room
Block cut-off Date
Tuesday, September 2, 2025
Slides for On-site
(Solor Presenters Only)
One week before the conference
Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Forward Communications
Please note that the BrainXchange team will reach out to speakers individually regarding such items as:
- Required materials still not received and deadlines for inclusion in promotional opportunities
- Speaker guides for solo presenters, moderators, panelists, and chairs
- Event updates with respect to session times, new additions, and final program
As we continue to work on the program, please keep in mind that it’s possible the conference may start or end earlier than currently stated on the agenda and that your session time may change. In the event the duration or time of your session is changed, you will be notified immediately so you may prepare accordingly.
We expect this to be a very successful event and will make every effort to ensure it is also an enjoyable and safe one for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Alex D’Orlando.
Website Profile: ASAP
All Speakers Must Submit
- Headshot: High-resolution–JPG or PNG. File size limit is 1mb.
- Short Bio: 3-5 sentences (250 words or less). Note that BrainXchange reserves the right to condense bios surpassing 250 words.
- Social Media: Links to your professional Linkedin and/or Twitter Account.
Deadline: Monday, July 21, 2025
Solo Presenters Must Submit
Preliminary Title & Abstract for Your Talk:
- Title: Your presentation title should generate interest while also letting attendees know what the session is about
- Abstract (description): 250 words (recommended) speaking to the presentation topic/context and what attendees can expect to learn
The information does not need to be final (as far as what attendees will see onsite at the event in September, but will act more as a temporary placeholder to give prospective audience members an idea of the focus of your talk.
Final Title & Abstract for Your Talk
Title and description for your talk as you would like it to appear in the event app and on all onsite materials. Deadline: Monday, August 25, 2025
Thought Leadership/Content Opportunities
For years now, the Augmented Enterprise Blog has been the leading resource for industry professionals to educate themselves about XR and related emerging tech at work. Given your experience and expertise, we’d love for you to get you involved in producing content for the blog. If this is of interest to you, let us know below and we’ll prepare some customized content opportunities based on your background.
Examples by Past Augmented Enterprise Speakers:
- The Benefits of Early AR/VR Adoption: Interview with Flex’s Zohair Mehkri
- New Questions Arise from XR End Users on the Factory Floor
- Using XR to See Underground: Interview with Arcadis’ Allison Yanites
- Growing AR Innovations Within Southwest Airlines
- Top 3 Applications for Wearable Technology and Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industry
Presentation Slides
A copy of the slide deck accompanying your presentation. This will also be uploaded to the event app/online platform for attendees to view. More information on slides can be found here. Please attach any videos embedded in your slides, as well.
*NOTE* You may upload a second file or version of your slides to be uploaded to the event app/platform. Attendees will be able to access this version, so please remove any sensitive information if necessary. Deadline: 1 week before the event (Tuesday, September 16, 2025)

Ensure a productive event experience by downloading the free conference app.
The Augmented Enterprise event app powered by Whova is a secure platform that doubles as a mobile app and virtual event platform. All event participants – both in-person and remote – will have access to the same features via mobile or desktop, allowing you to connect before, during, and after the conference. Create a personal agenda, message other attendees, browse exhibitor profiles, create/join meetups, and more.
Tuning in from home? Watch every session either live or on-demand, create a Community post, browse attendees and speakers, send messages, participate in polls, and arrange virtual demos with exhibitors.
Joining us in person? Use the interactive map to navigate the expo, take notes, arrange meetups, share photos from the event, and make connections around the world as well as across the room.
All session recordings will be made available in the event app during the show, as will those presentations slides we are permitted to share shortly following the conference.
All attendees will receive an email with instructions for downloading and using the app when it goes live, typically a week or two before the event.
Location | 300 Reunion Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75207, United States of America
Meeting & Event Space | The Augmented Enterprise Summit will take place in the Landmark Ballrooms on the Lobby Level, with the expo and meals located in Marsalis Hall on the Lower or Exhibition Level.

Discounted Hotel Room Block Rate: BrainXchange has secured a group room block rate of $269 per night (plus taxes) at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. The rate covers room nights from 09/22/2025 to 09/25/2025.
Hotel Room Block Cut-Off Date: The discounted hotel room block rate expires on Tuesday, September 2, 2025 at 5:00pm CT. It is at the hotel’s discretion whether to accept additional reservations under the group rate after that time.
Please note that BrainXchange is not affiliated with any third-party booking agencies, housing bureaus, or travel and events companies.
If an outside party contacts you for any type of hotel or travel arrangements, please disregard these solicitations and kindly email us at [email protected].

Located in downtown Dallas next to the city’s iconic Reunion Tower landmark, Hyatt Regency Dallas is an inviting, contemporary hotel within walking distance of many attractions, including Dealey Plaza and the Historic West End. Work and unwind in ultimate comfort at your new downtown home base.
Travel Information: For information about ground transportation to and from Hyatt Regency Dallas, driving directions, parking options, and other travel info, refer to the hotel website.
When you stay at the conference hotel and book through the group, you get more than just convenience. Additional benefits include:
- Guest rooms that are just a short walk from the conference center, giving you quick access to your room for breaks or work-related calls
- Discounted rates if reserved within the room block
- The opportunity to stay in a timeless yet modern hotel with deluxe amenities and easy access to the most Insta-worthy view in town!
Panel Speakers

- When you arrive, please proceed to the speaker registration desk located in Landmark Foyer (Lobby Level) to pick up your name badge and other conference materials (ex. t-shirt and workbook).
- Registration staff will then hand you your Speaker Information Card outlining the date, time, and room assignment for your talk.
- Please note the stage and/or room to which you are assigned ahead of time.
- Please arrive at the back of your assigned room (where the AV desk is stationed) 25 minutes before the start of your session to get a microphone from the AV team and wait with your fellow panelists at the foot of the stage to be introduced.
- When you arrive, please proceed to the speaker registration desk located in Landmark Foyer (Lobby Level) to pick up your name badge and other conference materials (ex. t-shirt and workbook).
- Registration staff will then hand you your Speaker Information Card outlining the date, time, and room assignment for your talk.
- Please note the stage and/or room to which you are assigned ahead of time.
- Please arrive at the back of your assigned room (where the AV desk is stationed) 25 minutes before the start of your scheduled session to:
- Meet the Chair who will introduce you to the audience
- Get a microphone from the AV team
- Wait with the panelists at the foot of the stage to be introduced

Solo Presenters

- When you arrive, please proceed to the attendee speaker registration desk located in Landmark Foyer (Lobby Level) to pick up your name badge and other conference materials (ex. t-shirt and workbook).
- Registration staff will then hand you your Speaker Information Card outlining the date, time, and room assignment for your talk.
- Please note the stage and/or room to which you are assigned ahead of time.
- If you have any audio-visual needs or would like to test your slides onsite before presenting, please contact Alex D’Orlando in advance of the show.
- Please arrive at the back of your assigned room (where the AV desk is stationed) 25 minutes before the start of your scheduled session to:
- Meet the Chair who will introduce you to the audience
- Get a microphone and clicker from the AV team
- Wait at the foot of the stage to be introduced
Event Space
Locations to Note
Registration is located in Landmark Foyer (Lobby Level)
Main Stage sessions will take place in Landmark Ballrooms B & C (Lobby Level)
Green Breakout sessions will take place in Landmark Ballrooms B & C (Lobby Level)
Blue Breakout sessions will take place in Landmark Ballroom A (Lobby Level)
Industry Meetups/Roundtables will take place in Landmark Ballroom D (Lobby Level)
The exhibition is located in Marsalis Hall (Exhibition/Lower Level)
All meals and refreshments will be served on the exhibition floor in Marsalis Hall
- Registration is located in Landmark Foyer (Lobby Level)
- Main Stage sessions will take place in Landmark Ballrooms B & C (Lobby Level)
- Green Breakout sessions will take place in Landmark Ballrooms B & C (Lobby Level)
- Blue Breakout sessions will take place in Landmark Ballroom A (Lobby Level)
- Industry Meetups/Roundtables will take place in Landmark Ballroom D (Lobby Level)
- The exhibition is located in Marsalis Hall (Exhibition/Lower Level)
- All meals and refreshments will be served on the exhibition floor in Marsalis Hall
Meeting Space Map